Call for Papers: SEAC Designated Panels

Call for Papers: SEAC Designated Panels

Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference 2024

Submission deadline: July 15, 2023

The Southeast Asia Council (SEAC) of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) is seeking a panel or roundtable proposal for SEAC designated panels. 

Each year SEAC is allocated two Designated Panels, which are accepted directly onto the annual Conference Program without Program Committee review or approval. 

The SEAC Designated Panels should reflect current developments in the field of Southeast Asian Studies, or address areas the Council feels require greater attention from Southeast Asianists, or Asian Studies more broadly. Preference is given to cross-country studies and/or multi-disciplinary studies. SEAC Designated Panels receive $1000 in support from the annual AAS subvention to SEAC. If you are working on a country-specific panel or roundtable, please consider applying for a SEAC country group designated panel. 

Please provide a working title, the name of the prospective organizer(s), a panel title and abstract (250 words), paper titles and abstracts (250 words per each paper). Please follow the format of the standard AAS panel or roundtable proposal. Completed applications should be sent to the attention of Dr. Eunsook Jung to the following address: by the 15 July 2023 deadline. Late submissions will not be considered. The panel is intended to be a Southeast Asia-focused panel. Submissions that do not substantively address issues pertaining to the region will not be considered.