SEALC-GETSEA Language Tuition Support
With support from the Henry Luce Foundation, The Southeast East Asian Language Council (SEALC) and The Graduate Education and Training in Southeast Asian Studies (GETSEA) consortium awards financial assistance to students who incur tuition fees when studying a Southeast Asian language via synchronous distance learning during the academic year at an institution other than their home institution. This award is intended to facilitate cross-institutional collaboration and increase access to Southeast Asian language instruction. Eligibility requires that the course is credit-bearing at a North American institution and that the applicant is a full-time student at a North American institution. Priority will be given to graduate students, but all are encouraged to apply. SEALC and GETSEA encourage applicants to consider attending SEASSI which serves as an excellent resource for summer language instruction. This award is intended to improve access during the academic year so that students can obtain multi-year instruction in a timely manner.
What does the assistance cover?
The award provides tuition reimbursement, minus a modest contribution from the student, for synchronous distance learning of a SE Asian language taught by a lecturer at a North American institution. Applications for tutoring arrangements or courses taught by FLTAs will not be accepted.
Application Deadline: July 14, 2023, 11:59 PM Central Time. Apply online here. Applications will only be considered complete once the consortia have received 1) the online application and 2) a letter of recommendation from the applicant’s advisor, submitted via email to Please direct your questions to
***Additional news:
– For any students not enrolled this summer, they should apply new for fall here: